Terms of Service

User Agreement with Golden Spin

This agreement outlines the terms governing your use of the Golden Spin Website, which comprises various web pages operated by Golden Spin. Access to the Golden Spin Website is offered to you on the condition that you accept, without alteration, the terms, conditions, and notices outlined here (“Terms“). By using the Golden Spin Website, you agree to adhere to all such terms, conditions, and notices, which may be updated periodically. Last updated: 01 Sept, 2024.

Amendment of Service Terms

Golden Spin reserves the right to revise or amend these Terms, conditions, and notices at any time, including, but not limited to, any fees or charges related to the use of the Golden Spin Website. Such modifications will be effective upon being posted, and your continued use of the Website will constitute acceptance of these changes.

Links to External Sites

The Golden Spin Website may include links to third-party websites ("Linked Sites"). These Linked Sites are not managed or controlled by Golden Spin, and Golden Spin assumes no responsibility for the content of any Linked Site, including any changes or updates made to them, or for any link contained within a Linked Site. Additionally, Golden Spin is not liable for any form of transmission received from Linked Sites. These links are provided solely for convenience and do not imply any endorsement or partnership between Golden Spin and the operators of such sites. By accessing any Linked Site, you acknowledge that Golden Spin is not responsible for the content on those sites and any interaction with such sites is at your own risk and discretion.

Prohibited and Unlawful Use

As a condition of accessing the Golden Spin Website, you agree that you will not use the site for any illegal purpose or any action that violates these terms, conditions, or notices. You are prohibited from using the Golden Spin Website in any way that could cause damage, disable its functionality, overload it, or hinder others from enjoying its use. Attempting to obtain information or materials through unauthorized methods that have not been intentionally provided by Golden Spin is strictly forbidden. You are also barred from attempting to gain unauthorized access to the Website, its servers, or any connected computers, databases, or systems. Any attempt to attack the Website, including denial-of-service attacks, will lead to an immediate cessation of your right to use the site, and Golden Spin will cooperate with law enforcement by providing your identity. Golden Spin will not be liable for any damage or loss caused by malicious software, viruses, or distributed denial-of-service attacks that may affect your computer equipment, software, or data as a result of using the Website or downloading content from it or any linked websites.

Additional Usage Restrictions

You must not use the Website in any way that could be seen as defamatory, offensive, obscene, racist, sexist, discriminatory, or abusive. It is strictly prohibited to use threatening, harassing, or aggressive language or images, whether directed at other users or Golden Spin staff. The Website must not be compromised by flooding it with data or engaging in any activities that disrupt its normal functionality, such as spreading viruses, worms, logic bombs, or similar malicious software. Spamming or sending multiple unsolicited submissions is also forbidden. Any interference, tampering, or unauthorized alterations to the information or content on the Website are strictly not allowed.

Communication Platforms and Guidelines

The Golden Spin Website may include various interactive features like bulletin boards, chat rooms, forums, and other communication platforms designed to facilitate interaction with the public or specific groups ("Communication Services"). By using these services, you agree to only post, send, or receive content that is appropriate and relevant to the specific service. For example, and without limitation, you agree not to:

  • Upload files that contain protected material (such as software or other intellectual property) unless you have the right to do so.
  • Upload files that contain harmful software like viruses or any other potentially damaging code.
  • Advertise or sell goods or services unless explicitly allowed by the Communication Service.
  • Engage in activities like forwarding surveys, pyramid schemes, or chain letters.
  • Download any file posted by another user that you know or should reasonably know cannot be legally shared.
  • Defame, harass, abuse, stalk, or otherwise violate the rights of others, including privacy and publicity rights.
  • Share or disseminate inappropriate, offensive, unlawful, or otherwise objectionable content.
  • Falsify or delete author attributions, legal notices, or other property labels indicating the origin of materials.
  • Restrict or inhibit others from using the Communication Services.
  • Violate any applicable conduct codes or guidelines.
  • Collect or harvest information about other users without their consent, including email addresses.
  • Violate any local or national laws and regulations.

Monitoring and Enforcement

Golden Spin is not obligated to monitor these services but reserves the right to review and remove any content at its sole discretion. Golden Spin may terminate your access to any Communication Service without prior notice for any reason.
Golden Spin also retains the right to disclose any necessary information to comply with legal obligations and may edit, refuse to post, or remove any materials, at its discretion.
Exercise caution when sharing personal information about yourself or your children through any Communication Service. Golden Spin does not control the content shared through these services and, therefore, disclaims any liability for actions resulting from your participation in them. Opinions expressed by hosts or participants do not necessarily reflect Golden Spin's views.
Uploaded content may be subject to usage, reproduction, or dissemination restrictions. You are responsible for complying with any such limitations.

User Submissions & contributions

Golden Spin does not claim ownership of materials you provide (such as feedback and suggestions) or post on any of its services ("Submissions"). However, by submitting your materials, you grant Golden Spin and its affiliates the rights to use, reproduce, distribute, and modify your content as needed for their online business operations. This includes the right to publicly display and perform your content and publish your name in connection with it.
No compensation will be provided for the use of your Submissions. Golden Spin is not obligated to post or use any content you provide and may remove it at any time, at its discretion.
By posting, uploading, inputting, providing or submitting your Submission you warrant and represent that you own or otherwise control all of the rights to your Submission as described in this section including, without limitation, all the rights necessary for you to provide, post, upload, input or submit the Submissions.


The Golden Spin website may contain inaccuracies or typographical errors in its information, software, products, and services. Content is subject to periodic updates and modifications. Golden Spin and its affiliates may enhance or alter the website at their discretion. Any advice obtained through the Golden Spin platform should not be considered definitive for personal, medical, legal, or financial decisions. It is recommended to seek guidance from appropriate professionals for situation-specific advice.
Golden Spin and its partners do not guarantee the appropriateness, dependability, accessibility, promptness, or precision of the website's content, software, products, services, or associated graphics for any purpose. To the fullest extent allowed by law, all such elements are provided on an "as is" basis, without any assurances or conditions. Golden Spin and its associates expressly disclaim all warranties and conditions related to these components, including implied warranties of marketability, suitability for specific purposes, ownership, and non-violation.
To the maximum extent permitted by law, Golden Spin and its partners shall not be held responsible for any direct, indirect, punitive, incidental, special, or consequential damages. This includes, but is not limited to, damages resulting from loss of use, data, or profits, whether arising from the use or performance of the Golden Spin website, delays or inability to use the site or related services, failure to provide services, or any information, software, products, services, and related graphics obtained through the website. This applies regardless of whether the basis is contract, tort, negligence, strict liability, or any other legal theory, even if Golden Spin or its partners have been informed of potential damages. Some jurisdictions may not allow certain limitations on liability, so these restrictions may not apply in all cases. If you are dissatisfied with any aspect of the Golden Spin website or its terms of use, your sole recourse is to cease using the website.

For inquiries: contact@goldenspin.com

Service Termination/Access Limitation

Golden Spin maintains the right to discontinue your access to the website and associated services, either partially or entirely, at any time and without prior notification, at its sole discretion.

Intellectual Property Rights

The entirety of the Website's content, including but not limited to its design, textual elements, graphical components, audio-visual materials, photographic imagery, and the specific arrangement thereof, as well as software compilations, underlying source code, and all other materials contained within, are protected by copyright and other proprietary rights. These rights are either owned by us or utilized under license from third-party rights holders. It is acknowledged that reproduction of the Website or any of its components in any form is prohibited without our explicit authorization.
Users may download content to a single personal computer or print hard copies solely for personal, non-commercial use, to the extent that such material is made available for download or printing. The use of the Website does not confer upon any user any interest in the intellectual property rights owned by us or any third party. No permission is granted to use or reproduce any trade names, trademarks, or logos appearing on the Website unless specifically authorized in writing by the rights owner.
Users warrant that they will not circumvent the intellectual property rights of software providers or other third-party rights holders. Any identified breaches of this requirement will be reported to the respective intellectual property rights owner within a reasonable timeframe for appropriate action and enforcement.

Copyright and Trademark Notices:

All contents of the Golden Spin Website are copyrighted by Golden Spin 2024. All rights are reserved. Company and product names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective owners. Any rights not explicitly granted herein are reserved to their respective owners.

Transfer of Rights, Obligations, and Website Closure:

We retain the right to transfer, assign, sublicense, or pledge the Terms, in whole or in part, to any entity, provided that such assignment maintains the same terms or terms no less advantageous to you. In the event of a website closure, you acknowledge that your account may be transferred to an alternative website managed and operated by us. We reserve the right to forfeit all related existing bonus amounts at the time of website closure.

Events Beyond Our Control

We shall not be held liable or responsible for any failure or delay in fulfilling our obligations under this agreement that arises from circumstances beyond our reasonable control, including but not limited to, natural disasters, war, civil unrest, disruptions in public communication networks or services, industrial disputes, or DDOS attacks and similar internet-based incidents that negatively impact services (“Force Majeure”). During the duration of a Force Majeure event, our obligations will be temporarily suspended, and we will be granted additional time to fulfill our responsibilities. We will make all reasonable efforts to resolve the Force Majeure event or find an alternative solution to meet our obligations despite the event.

Final clauses

You acknowledge that no joint venture, partnership, employment, or agency relationship is established between you and Golden Spin as a result of this agreement or your use of the Golden Spin Website. Golden Spin's fulfillment of this agreement remains subject to applicable laws and legal processes, and nothing within this agreement overrides Golden Spin's right to comply with governmental, judicial, or law enforcement requests relating to your use of the Golden Spin Website or information collected by Golden Spin. If any provision of this agreement is found to be invalid or unenforceable under applicable law, including but not limited to, the warranty disclaimers and liability limitations mentioned earlier, such a provision will be replaced by a valid and enforceable clause that best reflects the original intent, while the remaining provisions will continue in effect.
Unless explicitly stated otherwise, this agreement represents the entire understanding between you and Golden Spin concerning your use of the Golden Spin Website and supersedes any previous or concurrent communications, whether electronic, oral, or written, between you and Golden Spin in relation to the website. A printed version of this agreement and any notice provided electronically will be admissible in legal or administrative proceedings, subject to the same conditions as other business documents that are originally produced in printed form. It is the express wish of both parties that this agreement and all associated documents be drafted in English.